New Master of Music Appointed to Westminster Cathedral Choir?
The news coming in this afternoon is that Westminster Cathedral may have chosen a new Master of Music to lead its celebrated (albeit currently dormant) Cathedral Choir, who will commence at the start of the new school year in September.
The appointee is believed to have prior associations with the Choir.
The appointment, if confirmed, followed a recent application process which resulted in a short list of three candidates, who auditioned recently.
The Choir has been without a Master of Music since October 2019, when the esteemed and long serving Martin Baker left the post.
The Choir is currently suspended for an indefinite period, with only four lay clerks singing at the Sunday choral Mass (at the new time of 12pm). There is currently no timetable for when the trebles will resume singing in public.
The Society wishes the incoming Master of Music every success in what is undoubtedly one of the toughest assignments in the British cathedral music scene at present.
Official confirmation is awaited.
Saturday, 1 May, 2021 at 15.07, updated at 18.12.
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